Thursday, January 15, 2009

winter rant

it's so cold!

i froze my poor knees on the way to work from the car, and i still can't feel my cheeks. brrrrrrrrrrrrr!

just for the record, the high today is -1F. this is about -19C. without counting in the wind-chill.


RonSha said...

I am freezing just from reading it.unbelieving! How can you ?????I prefare to suffer our summer.I am going to my warm bed to defrost.

RonSha said...

That was Dalias comment.I am sure Ron enjoys the cold,especially when he fish.

Sandy K. said...

We've been remembering the year (about 10 years ago) that we had a REALLY cold week. One morning it was -43C here in Cadillac. No school for 3 or 4 days because the buses wouldn't start. It never got above -23 during the days. This week has been cold, but nothing like that.