Wednesday, March 3, 2010


last night i called a friend in CA to ask a question about Hummus. before getting to the question part, she mentioned that she's with her daughter at the park.


that made me miss summer so much! i would compromise for spring. i'm so ready for the cold weather to be over, for the snow to be gone, and for the ice to make room for cozy water temperatures. maybe this year we'll finally take advantage of living so damn close to the beach.

we noticed that the first daffodil stems are poking out of the (still) frozen (still) snow-covered ground. yayy! this means that spring will eventually be here. i can't wait.


Sandy K. said...

You can see the ground? There's still a foot or more of hard packed snow in our yard. But I know what you mean--yesterday I found myself wandering through WalMart, looking at the spring clothes for babies (like Ella) and wishing for spring. And I LOVE winter.

bk said...

I'm ready for spring too.

dalia said...

I wish you all' and myself, that spring will appear on March 19