Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 24 - baby talk

our dealing with Ella's crying, in the first few weeks, was much like a nested if loop:

usually one of those things was broken, and we could find and fix whatever was wrong... recently, another thing was added to the loop: boredom. she's an active baby, that needs to be looking at something, smiling at someone, or talking about stuff whenever she's awake. it's adorable, but hard to maintain :)

lately she likes to interact with her mobile. we didn't hang it on her cradle because it would throw it off axis :P but we were able to improvise.
she spent about 20 minutes talking to the mobile, trying out her vocal options.

sadly, grandma Sandy had to go back home to grandpa, Grady and the cats. come again soon! PLEASE!!!


bk said...

It looks so easy when you code it up. Maybe can get MATLAB to take a shift ;).

nicole said...

That's hilarious! We should print it on a onesie as a technical reference for throughout the day.