Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Short Coffy update

I'm blogging so hard for Coffy that i forget to update here.
Coffy and his parents are at the Dominican republic. we got some bad news on Sunday: his mother isn't doing well, she is very ill. Now Coffy is trying to find medical help for her, and possibly find a way to bring them back home with him as a last resort. Yakini has asked our help in wording an appeal to the governor or senator to help them grant Coffy's parents temporary visas to fly them to Chicago. She's also looking for doctors who will treat Coffy's mom 'pro bono'.

look at this video that i just uploaded. it's pretty crazy. coffy is so positive, so optimistic. you gotta love this person.

There's so much to this story... it's overwhelming. i stay up at night (like now) and think about it. i hope that everything comes to a happy ending.

I am also having a warm fuzzy feeling inside, because of all the support and donations that Yakini tells me that she gets from our side. from our friends. the other day she said "we even got a donation from Germany!"... and I know who that is!
i'm flabbergasted by the response and the generosity of our friends, family and acquaintances who reached out and reached DEEP. i just want to hug so many people.


dalia said...

Your activities are adoreble. I am very proud of you.I am sure that your support and wormness helps Coffi and his family alot.We are thinking and worried and wish we could be more helpfull.We hope for good news. thanks for keeping us update.

bk said...

Yeah, just to echo Keren's thoughts, THANKS so much to all of you. We can really see it in Yakini's face and hear in Coffy's letters how much this means to them, regardless of the outcome.