Sunday, July 29, 2012

Super Girl Gymnast

We're watching a lot of Olympics these days, and the new Super Girl Gymnast character emerged. She wants to be everything and do everything the girls with the shiny gymnast outfits do on TV. We spent the night doing somersaults, rolls, and back flips (with some help of ima, the coach). This is by far my favorite personality! Daniel likes to participate too. As soon as Super Girl runs down the hallway, he dashes towards the red mat and crashes on it. we helped him do some back flips as well (those are on a different camera feed though) and the crowd roared!


dalia said...

מקסים! ישר לחוג להתעמלות קרקע

Sandy K. said...

I like this personality better than the princess--no high heels!

ERS said...

I think Ella might be too tall to be an olympic gymnast like next year :) But by then she'll be tall enough to be an olympic swimmer...