Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Field trip? Really?
At the risk of sounding old, when I was in highschool and went on field trips, we were usually taken to a museum, theater, or a hike outdoors. That's why I was so surprised to see a crowd of (highschool? middle school?) kids swarming the iPad display at the Apple store yesterday. Educational? I don't think so. Satisfying their curiosity? Sure, "many of these kids won't see and iPad until it's down to $30" (Ben). Fun? Definitely, beats math class.
Still something about it strikes me as wrong.
Posted by
11:35 AM
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
And then we baked cookies!
Ella's first cookie bake! she helped mixing, put the ingredients in the bowl (sugar, salt, etc) and of course added in the chocolate chips (all but a couple that she used as a quality control sample.) then we put the cookie dough on the baking sheet together, and counted the cookies.
we looked at them in the oven ("it's hot!") through the oven window, and she watched as i took them out of the oven wearing "ima's minets" (mittens)
i must say that she was awfully patient waiting for the cookies to cool down!
Posted by
11:51 PM
Corn on the cob
Ella helped me shuck some corns, put them in a pot and add water. Then we both sat and munched on our corns. Fun!
(side note: Ella chose her top today, like she does every day. I think she's going more and more for the girlie stuff, that brings out her pretty hair)
Posted by
8:11 PM
Monday, April 25, 2011
Somehow the caterpillar snuck out of Ella's room and made its way to the living room. As is the case with many other toys and books, we find a whole new level of interest now that Ella is so verbal! For the first time she noticed that there are little embroidery pictures on the other side of this guy, and apparently she recognizes many of them :)
[Sharonim -- please show this to Safta Sarah... ]
Thanks Safta for the gift that keeps on giving!
Posted by
11:51 PM
Thursday, April 21, 2011
something i came across while searching for material for daycare's newsletter:
A Second Language Gives Toddlers an Edge
Posted by
10:35 AM
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Pessach 2011
אילו הביאנו לליל הסדר ולא הביא בקבוק של יין
אילו השימנו אל השולחן ולא הושיבנו ליד אורי דיינו!
אילו מאסנו בחברת המבוגרים ולא הכינונו סרטים מצויירים דיינו!
אילו קראנו את ההגדה ולא שרנו את השירים דיינו
אילו שרנו את השירים ולא טעמנו מהחרוסת דיינו
ואילו טעמנו מהחרוסת (והביצים והכבד והמרור והכרפס) ולא השארנו מקום לכל האוכל דיינו!
אילו הזמיננו את כל האורחים ולא עשינו ערימה על משה דיינו
די דיינו, די דיינו, די דיינו, דיינו דיינו!
...and for those of you not familiar with Passover songs, let me say we had a fun night with the Naozim and their friend Yoram. even the kids cooperated. After everybody were seated at the table, we decided that as long as the kids are keeping themselves busy we shouldn't force them to sit at the table. I guess Ori was hungry enough to come sit right there as soon as his parents did. We asked Ella if she would like to sit at her chair and she said "אולאאאי על אורי?" (meaning: maybe next to Ori), so we had to drag her chair to the other side of the table. while we were reading the Hagada, Ori and Ella worked on the hard-boiled eggs, leaving all the yellows for someone else (Eliyahu?). After Ella was tired of eggs (really, how many of those can you eat?) she decided she just wants cottage cheese for dinner (i'm glad she didn't ask for schnitzel). eventually they both excused themselves and watched some cartoons while the rest of us read, sang, made fun at each other, ate, ate and ate. yum.
Moshe and Smadar cooked half of the delicious dinner and their guest provided wine, and it all added up to a lovely evening with friends. yayy!
Posted by
4:05 PM
Monday, April 18, 2011
Pessach 2011
preparations for Pessach!
the soup is simmering; eggs are boiled; matza balls are waiting to be balled and cooked; liver is fried, simmered, seasoned and chopped; charosset is mmmmmmmmmm so good i couldn't help but have some already; aged sirloin is waiting patiently; wonderful guests are bringing everything else;
all that's missing is the extended family... well maybe next year in Ganey Yehuda Ha'bnuya.
Posted by
1:10 PM
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
in Michigan
we're getting ready to drive to michigan this weekend (AA MI, not Cadillac MI). part of it is conversations with ella in the car (i'm translating): "Ella, we're going to school now. who's at school?" Ella: "Yakini, and Coffy, and Sahana, and Ori, and Marta, and Sahana, and Ori, and Sahana" (guess who her best friends are)
and today it was: "And grandpa and grandma in Michigan!!"
Posted by
4:01 PM
Monday, April 11, 2011
I figured we should document some of the stuff she says before we forget it. So of course i probably already forgot the cutest things... Here's a far-from-complete list.
We dont know how advanced her english is. Coffy says she's pretty good, and that she no longer tries to speak hebrew at school, only english (and some spanish)
He says she would say stuff like "the fire truck runs on the road".
guess we'll see this weekend!
אוליי... היא על הכיסא הלבן?
אלה שיער ארוך ורטוב
לא למשוך לסקרוג'י בזנב
זה הורסי לבן על השולחן
אבא הלך לעשות פופופולי
ספונגבוב רטוב באמבטיה
אלה אוכלת ספגטי ארוך
Posted by
9:34 PM
Spaghetti night
אלה אוכלת ספגטי ארוך
(Ella is eatting long spaghetti)
Grandparents -- don't worry, Coffy tells us she speaks English at school. Theres a chance you'll be able to understand her too!
Posted by
9:03 PM
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Online playdate
Ella and Amit palyed "together" via skype this morning, each with her own set of play-doh. also, awesome pretend play with these horsies!
Posted by
2:00 PM
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Story time
guess who takes after her dad, and needs some good reading material when on the potty?
alas, we're not potty training yet, it's just for fun.
Posted by
3:33 PM