Friday, May 15, 2009


It's about 11:00 pm on the midnight shift, and I'm trying to keep silence, maintain order, and stay awake while Ella, her Imma, and her Safta sleep. The last 3 nights Ella has slept on the couch pretty solid from about 9 pm to 12ish -- and we let her. I watch her until it's midnight dinner time...and I've had some help from our favorite hell-raiser:

Gray Scrooge.

After not even giving her the time of day, the last two nights Gray Scrooge has given her a little sniff and slept next to her on the couch until we take her to her cradle.

He's still more dog than cat. If this continues, I will have to devote a Picasa album to our faithful guard cat with the concrete head.


Sandy K. said...

I think he just knows he can't be yelled at while he's that close to a sleeping baby. It's his safe place.

dikla said...

Maybe you shoudl name him Gray Scoobidoo?

dikla said...

Maybe you shoudl name him Gray Scoobidoo?

dikla said...

Maybe you shoudl name him Gray Scoobidoo?