Thursday, April 23, 2009

39 weeks, the Sharonim are here!

(all pics here)

we picked the Sharonim at the airport yesterday, and i'm proud to say that there wasn't much crying involved :) my parents seem to have survived the flight pretty well, and my mom even seemed optimistic about being able to find her way back to Israel on her own (in a month or so...).
we spent the evening talking and opening presents (mountains of cute baby clothes! i feel bad for the kids in Israel, it seems like there are no clothes left in the stores anymore after my mom)

we made all sorts of plans, all of which with the disclaimer, e.g., "tomorrow we can go to the art institute -- if we don't go to the hospital"... see how it goes! we do have reservations for Fogo de Chao for saturday night, with the Koesters. i hope the baby cooperates (but if she decides that she's done, that's ok too!!!)

we just came back from the Ethiopian Diamond, where we had a really good dinner. i can't see their website because i don't use internet explorer, so can't point at the exact items on the menu, but all that we ordered was excellent: we had sauteed lamb, shrimp in lemon sauce, chicken (in some yellow sauce... don't remember what it was called), and vegetarian sides - spinach, string beans, potatoes, and spicy lentils. mmmm. no room for dessert (but - we have fresh Dalia's brownies at home!!!! woohoo!)
my poor jetlagged mom almost fell asleep while eating. hope she remembers the restaurant in the morning and doesn't think it was all a dream...

1 comment:

RonSha said...

regarding the IE tab, if you use firefox, you can check for add-ons, like this one

it is suposed to be a IE tab, so if you click on the firefox logo on the lower right corner, it opens the same page as a IE, inside the firefox.

works for me..