33 weeks
this weekend we moved all our stuff to a 2-bedroom apartment in the same building. poor Ben did most of the heavy lifting (i had to force myself not to work too hard...) with some help from our friend Chris, and by the end of the weekend we were sort of settled in and had most of our stuff organized. we still have to hang pictures and shelves, which we'll probably do at the end of the month after getting some extra furniture from ikea (always wanted to have one of these book cases - now we have room for it!)
the new apartment is on the south-east corner of the building, and the living room faces the lake, which is very nice. i'll still miss the old view though.
moving is hard, especially when you're in the 8th month!!! it seems to have been a lot easier last time we moved. but now we're happy that it's all done and that we're all moved, and can lay back and relax for a little bit.. that is, in these precious moments that the little person inside me decides to give me a break and not kick me around.
i'm so pregnant.
Congratulations for your new apartment.Sorry we could not help.
Time passes so quickly and you and your apartment are growing so fast.The baby needs a bigger place then you offer her? She must be very big.One month to go 'baby....dont kick so hard.You will miss those days that you do nothing but sweem.
Ben,Col Hakavod to you and Chris for not letting Keren do any heavy lifting.thank you.I like that book case.I can send some more Hebrow books for all 3 of you. I hope you choose the one that is from right to left.
We'll be there in a couple of weeks to go get that bookcase. I'll be thinking about a book to add to it.
Don't feel too bad about the squeezed baby. Ben weighed 7lb 15oz, and I think I weighed about 120 at the time. He seems to have survived quite nicely.
right now I'm willing to go back to any uterus that will have me.
free food, sleep all day, long long baths....
(i could use a little vacation).
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