Thursday, December 13, 2007


my office mate is constantly talking to herself and it's driving me crazy.


dalia said...

WHat is she talking about? In English? Maybe you sturt talk Hebrew to yourself and she will stop?

Sandy K. said...

Sing to yourself. Something really repetitious and annoying. When she complains, innocently say, "But I thought you LIKED constant vocal noise."

Or get some earplugs.

Bridgeta said...

do you have an mp3-player? it gives a lot of peace, especially when using those ear-thingies that shot the noises off, even without music :)

keren said...

i have an ipod at home, i usually don't use it at work... i guess i'll have to get used to it

Bridgeta said...

if you can need music of any sort let me know :)