Sunday, April 22, 2007


Things that are GREEN (in no particular order)

Our blanket.
It got summery here the last few days, if it stays like that for a while longer we may have to consider something lighter...

Broccoli. people have been complaining about the quality of produce here, but i am pretty pleased with at least 2 things - broccoli and spinach. they make pretty good spinach pie, for instance.
The blackboard at my office. it's not black.
Mem sofit, of course. it's a part of the letter magnets that my mom got Ben for Rosh Hashana. he doesn't use his hebrew very often - only when we ride the train together and want to talk about people in the train without them knowing what we say... even then, the conversation is reduced to something like "this man fat" or "this woman not pretty". yesterday, we actually used out foreign language "against" kids -- when we discsuued what was in Mira's snack bag (cookies and water and pull-ups), and didn't want to draw her attention to it...
Shrek. The new Shrek movie is about to come out on May 18th, Ben promised to wait for me and w ewill go see it after i'm back from TA. This particular Shrek picture is on the back of a cereal box, one of many that we got on sale a few days ago. the top of our refregerator is pretty impressive right now.
Ben's pajama.
Grass. I remember it when it was this small. i grew it for the scroogim, cats are known to be drawn to any kind of plants and eating grass is supposed to help them with hairballs or something. they never heard of it. they acually ignore it altogether. i hope they do the same thing with my little herb garden that i'm starting by the window. it's still in the form of seeds, but i am encouraged by the fast growth of the cat-grass, and i strongly believe that our apartment is the perfect greenhouse.
John Deere mug. Gray scrooge particularly likes climbing into cupboards that we leave open, and his recent adventure cost us a coffee mug... fortunately he cose to knock down the cheapest one we had (a meijer's xmas cup), and spared this one :)
April!! it sure is green out. the grass is absolutely awesome. there's green grass everywhere. i guess all you need for perfect grass is a few months of frost and then a lot of sunshine. it might explain why grass in israel has to struggle so hard...

Things that are NOT green:


nogaboga said...


bk said...

This has to be some kind of record. About 80 days ago, we submitted the application materials. I've heard that 1.5-2 years isn't unusual...

dalia said...

Why does a greencard called greencard?

keren said...

According to Wikipedia, "The name "green card" comes from the fact that the predecessor form, I-151, introduced at the end of World War II, was printed on green paper. Form I-551 was adopted in 1977 and has been printed on paper of various colors, none of which were green, but the term "green card" has nonetheless remained in use."...
read more here

Bridgeta said...

congratulations to that! I am so happy for your guys!love this post of yours, cute little stories, beautifully illustrated!!!!! :)