Thursday, July 16, 2009

TV will rot yout mind? not necessarily!

we both don't like the idea of sticking your child in front of the TV and going on your business. i realize that it can buy you some very needed moments of quietness to do stuff (like blogging :D), but most of what you find on TV and DVD is mind numbing (with the exception of spongebob, hehe)

anyway, when i was still pregnant i had this idea, i think it's a real startup idea that someone can make lots of money off of.
since Ella (and naturally many other kids in the US) will grow up far away from her grandparents, aunts/uncles and cousins, and not see them on a daily basis, putting these people on TV doing something constructive is (1) a way for Ella to become familiarized with their faces and voices, and (2) something worth watching on TV.

out pilot show is Safta Dalia reading the story "Ayelet Metayelet" (Ayelet going for a walk). we shot the raw footage when my mom was visiting, i think it was her last day here, and it's been sitting on my computer ever since. i just finished editing it last night, and today Ella watched it over and over and over!!! she seems to like it a lot. i hope we can make more videos like it - story telling, live music, anything we can think of.


dalia said...

(: I always felt that I chose the wrong occupation. Now I can be sure that Ella will recognize me like she will surely recognize spongebob.
The coming episodes on the editor's desk:
1. The star who wanted to be
2. Pinuki's band
3. A tale with a circle that looked for a friend.

Sandy K. said...

What a great idea. Maybe Grandpa Gary could sing Ella a lullaby on tv. "Prettiest girl in the kindergarten?"

bk said...

She watched it again about 4 times on Friday. She cried and was frustrated, so we had Safta Dalia babysit her for awhile.

nicole said...

What a fantastic idea! I love it!