Wednesday, March 11, 2009

everybody's at home

at last!
ben is back from his meetings at Stanford and Berkeley, and this marks the last time anyone is allowed to travel. i'm grounded to a 2-hour radius from chicago (doctor's orders!) and ben, well, i grounded him :D he's not going anywhere!
the scroogim are grounded because they must have done something to deserve being grounded (here's me, practicing mom skills).
it feels good to be home - even though it's only for a few more days, before we move to our new, larger home.
i bet the baby feels the same way. i think she's running out of space in there, and to demonstrate that, she keeps pushing and turning and kicking. especially when i'm sitting in the car (or at a boring seminar).
we gained 2 lbs (about 1kg) over the last month, and the last two doctor visits the baby was standing on her head. the doctors said she will probably stay that way - head down, feet up - until the delivery (i.e., until she moves to a bigger home!).
i sometimes feel sorry for her, because really, who wants to live in such a tight space? no wonder she tries to stretch it out all the time. and it's not like she never knew any better, she did have more space earlier on, and could move around and swim and flip and what not. and gradually her home is shrinking on her. maybe that's why babies decide to come out at some point.

i'm feeling ok, my knee is almost 100% - ben commented today that i'm walking really fast. i'm just so tired all the time... i think a cup of coffee will do me good, but don't want to get all addicted again.


bk said...

i'm happy to be home!!! and we move next week so this is home for only a few more days.

Bridgeta said...

ha ha ha, being grounded in a bundle, you guys are hilarious!!!