Thursday, August 8, 2013


This summer I took a few trips to the Magellan telescopes in Chile. It's a long trip, but a really pretty one.
I'm sharing some pictures here from the last two trips. Some of them were taken by a graduate student who traveled with me to the telescope, so i don't deserve all the credit. I hope the link below works.

It's normal to have clouds here in the winter (yes, it's winter here now). Clouds make the most beautiful sunset pictures, but unfortunately they're not so good for those who want to observe the sky.

yesterday was very cloudy. so i knew i'm going to be treated to a magnificent sunset -- i just didn't know how magical it was going to be! as we drove up from the lodge area to the telescope dome, we noticed a hint of a rainbow, that got stronger and stronger, and over the next few minutes became a full rainbow arching over the Andes. i was able to take some pictures (with my phone) and stitch them together.

some other pictures in this album are of clouds creeping over the mountains below us; the telescopes, the sky, and the observing control room. enjoy!

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