Thursday, May 27, 2010


Shavuot is the holiday in which you ea dairy. i think that this holiday doesn't follow the theme of "they tried to kill us; they failde; therefore we eat", but we eat nevertheless, or it wouldn't be a hebrew holiday.

so what did we have? the Naozim hosted a wonderful dinner with two other friends, they made ravioli, salad, rolls, and blinzes.
we brought bourekas and boikos (both are savory cheese pastries, in the picture above), goat cheese pie (with sun-dried tomatoes and fresh basil) and cheesecake.

i've never made cheesecake before. got the recipe from my mom who got it from my aunt - and it didn't say the size of the pan. it was 11pm our time, so i figured it would be ok to call my grandma, wish her a happy holiday and ask her for some more instructions. and it was very lucky that i did! i got the recipe all wrong - i almost used the egg whites instead of the yolks and threw out the yolks! maybe it was the hour or maybe the recipe was a little cryptic... anyway, after safta sara sorted it out for me i had it all right and the cake turned out really well. the best cheesecake i ever made!

"white" cheese is one of the things that all israelies miss here. it's nowhere to be found. for those of you who are not familiar, it's like cream cheese that's not fatty (usually 5%-9% fat but you can get 0.5% as well), with the consistency of yogurt or labane but it's not tangy. and it's the main ingredient in cheese cakes, duh.
so i had to improvise! instead of the 9%-fat white cheese in the recipe, i used cream cheese which i cut with some yogurt and milk to get the right quantity and consistency.

i can add recipes on demand.

chag sameach!

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