Friday, November 9, 2007


i was busy the last couple of weeks putting together an application for a Hubble fellowship.
if my application is accepted (really, really small chance that it will happen), NASA will pay my salary in the next 3 years, and will i get to do my own research during that time.

writing was a painful and stressful process, first, because i find it hard to say good things about myself, and second, because i don't think i'm a very good writer.
thank Universe i have ben :)
he read my essay so many times he probably knows it by heart now.

anyway, the deadline was yesterday, so now it's over, and i'm much less stressed.

oh, and don't ask me if i heard back from them. i won't know anything before FEBRUARY.


dalia said...

We are very curious to read your application although we know that we might not understend much of it. Can you please mail us this application? We will not ask anything until February but we will hold thumbs that you will get a positive answer as a birthday present.

Sandy K. said...

Good luck. And, by the way, I'm sure Ben is totally and honestly objective about your abilities. But I've started to believe that every astrophysicist lives in fear that the people who "really know" will someday find out that "I don't really know what I'm doing."

Bridgeta said...

hey dear, first of all congrats for the finalizing, it´s always painful!
AND now it´s my turn to cross fingers :))))